Sample Of Paraphrased Paper On Asian Civilisation

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Asian Civilization to 1800

Question 1: Referring to the Indian, Chinese, and Japanese and what they by the 1800s, construct an essay and argue whether the history of each civilization is best understood in terms of continuity or in terms of change.


Over the years, different societies, including China, Japan, and India, have evolved from what they were in the 1800s. While some can be best understood in terms of change, others can be understood in terms of continuity. For instance, the essay will focus on China from the Shang Dynasty through the Qing Dynasty, India from the time of the Indus Valley Civilization to the rise of British power in the late 18th century, and Japan from the Yamato Kings era to the late Tokugawa. The main aim of this paper is to present an argumentative essay that examines how best some societies can be understood either in terms of continuity or change.

Discussion on China, India, and Japan

One of the societies to examine is China and the changes it may have experienced from the Shang Dynasty through the Qing Dynasty. Shang Dynasty is part of Ancient China that ran from c. 1600 to 1060 BC, while the Qing Dynasty lasted from 1644 AD through 1911 AD. From the historical perspective, many changes are evident from the Shang Dynasty, which falls under Ancient China, to the Qing Dynasty, which is referred to as the last imperial dynasty in the Republic of China. By examining both dynasties, the history of the China society can be best understood through continuity. During the early stages of civilization in the Shang Dynasty, society embraced animal husbandry, agriculture, and hunting. The Qing Dynasty, on the other hand is one that consolidated different dynasties and formed a Self-Strengthening Movement in response to the threat of imperialism.

India is yet another society that is believed to have changed from what it was in the 1800s. In this case, it is necessary to examine how it changed from the time of the Indus Valley Civilization to the rise of British power in the late 18th century. A good approach to examining India’s society is from an economic perspective from the time of the Indus Valley Civilization to the rise of British Power. Both the time of the Indus Valley Civilization and the rise of British Power mark the periods of urbanization experienced in India. The Indus Valley Civilization played a key role in boosting civilization through agriculture. The rise of British Power, on the other hand, led to a shift in the society of India from subsistence agriculture to commercial agriculture while embracing the industrialization of the economy gradually. is the cheapest online assignment help service that can help students overcome challenges in writing their assignments. Our professional custom writers can help students with quality history case study help. We can also help you write any research paper. You can contact us today to find out more about our services.

 Japan Society has also undergone changes from what it was in the 1800s. In this case, it is necessary to examine the changes in Japan from the Yamato Kings-era to the late Tokugawa. The Yamato period in the society of Japan is one that saw the evolution of Japan into the establishment of many temporary imperial capitals. This period is also believed to have been marked by transformations from a social, political, and artistic perspective. In the aspect of exercising power, the Yamato Kings-era followed a hereditary plan where titles were bestowed upon clan members.  The era of the late Tokugawa, on the other hand, existed during the Edo period (1600-1868) and saw Japan’s population grow exponentially owing to agricultural growth. The social changes that took place during the era of the late Tokugawa were also notable with an increase in the population’s literacy levels, among other key changes.

Question 2: With reference to the period from 1100 to 1700, there was evidence of nomadic people and their unprecedented active role in Asian History. The following question requires and evaluation of both the constructive and the destructive role of nomads in the Asian History.


 Most historical scholars agree that part of what assisted in shaping the history of the world is the conquests among the nomadic pastoralists. Ward (95) observed that some of the famous nomads featured in many research studies are the Mongols and the Turks, among others. In as much as their emergence was marked by destruction, it is revealed that they also played a key role in enhancing significant achievements in commerce, art, and governance. The main purpose of this essay is to examine the constructive and destructive roles that the nomadic pastoralists played in Asian history.

Constructive and Destructive Role of the Nomads in the Asian History

As mentioned earlier, the nomads in Asian history are believed to have played an unprecedented role. In as much as what they engaged in was destructive in one way or the other, it is also necessary to point out that they also had a constructive role to play as well.  One of the observations that Di Cosmo (1092) makes is that there were much stereotyping of the nomads, especially in the China society, with the Chinese branding the nomads as lustful and greedy the Chinese goods like grains, silk, and tea, among others. However, it is essential to point out that regardless of this kind of stereotyping, the nomads played a significant role in Asian history.  From a constructive perspective, the Mongols in China assisted in enhancing development through funding various projects. While operating under Mongol rule in China, the Tibetan Buddhist Monks and the Confucian scholars were entrusted with the role of advisers, an aspect that enhanced innovation in China. In addition to this, nomadic groups like the Mongols also facilitated in foreign exchange in the Asian continent, an aspect that enhanced growth and development.

Another aspect to examine concerning the nomadic role in Asian history is their role in the destruction.  One factor linked to nomads’ destructive role in Asian history is that they were mostly at war with the communities they neighbored. For instance, the Mongols feuded with the Tatars and the Turkic tribes in Central Asia. Another form of destruction is evident when the Mongols raided the Muslim world with their invasions leading to massive death and destruction. In this case, the constructive role of Mongols among other nomads demystifies communities’ barbaric conception concerning nomads.

Question 3: Did Europeans represent an unprecedented challenge to Asian societies or did they merely represent a new face on an old challenge?


Among the arguments made regarding the Europeans in Asia is that they represented an unprecedented challenge to Asian societies. Others on the other hand argue that all they did is represent a new face to an old challenge. The main aim of this essay is to establish whether the Europeans were an unprecedented challenge or not by explaining how they were different from other invading people at various points in Asian history.

European’s Position in the Asian History

From my own opinion, I believe that the Europeans were not an unprecedented challenge to Asian history as they have some similarities with other invading people from various points of Asian history. In as much as the Europeans brought many changes to different parts of the Asian continent like China, among others, it is clearly evident that they were not an unprecedented challenge and that their actions were, in one way or the other similar to those of previously invading communities.

One of the first similarities is that the Europeans brought the aspect of innovation and invention into the Asian continent.  Through the employment of invention and innovation, most Asian societies were able to experience growth and development in various aspects. Before the exploration of the Europeans to the Asian continent, nomadic groups like the Mongols and the Turks existed, among others. These groups also played a significant role in enhancing the living condition of most Asian societies back in the day. For instance, in as much as the Europeans made it possible for the Asian societies to trade with each other, the Mongols while in China, also assisted in the creation of foreign contact, facilitating easy trading among the Asian communities. In addition to this, the Europeans are also considered to have been very instrumental in introducing new methods of agriculture and other methods of development, as did the nomadic groups that preceded the Europeans.  For instance, there was a shift from subsistence farming among Asian societies to the introduction of agriculture for commercial purposes.  In this case, it is evident that in as much as the European brought about many changes in the Asian societies, they cannot be said to have been an unprecedented challenge.

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Works Cited

Di Cosmo, Nicola. (1994). Ancient Inner Asian Nomads: Their Economic Basis and Its Significance in Chinese History. The Journal of Asian Studies, 53, pp. 1092-1126. 1994. Print.

Ward, Christopher J. Mongols, Turks, and Others: Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentary World (review). Journal of World History, 17(1), pp. 95-97, 2006. Print.