Paraphrased HR Paper On Organization staffing


Organizational Staffing Plan: Part 1

The purpose of this paper is to outline the organizational staffing plan that I would be using in my capacity as a Human Resource Manager for an expanding technology company that already has 170 employees but is on the verge of hiring ten (10) Assembly Technicians, one (1) Certified Quality Control Engineer, one (1) Contract Administrator, and one (1) Office Support Paraprofessional for a vital contract that if effectively delivered could result to more businesses in the future.

Staffing Models

Model One: Temporary employees

In this model, the company would hire the required additional 13 employees temporarily, where the employees would be required to work in the company for a given period. This approach would be beneficial to the company in the view that the company would incur high costs when the contract comes to an end since, as noted by Bechet (2008), hiring employees temporarily can be beneficial to the company as the benefits that the company has to pay the employees when the contract comes to an end are less unlike is the case when a permanent employee is been paid off. In addition to that, this approach would also be beneficial to the company since the fact that the company is not certain of getting more work in the future implies that it can use the opportunity as a probation period to assess the workers before hiring them permanently if the company was to secure more contracts.

Model Two: Labor Outsource

The second model that I would consider would entail labor outsourcing which would entail outsourcing the labor that would be offered by the 13 employees to another company implying that the company would be paying the employees on an hourly basis. One benefit of this approach is that the company will not be involved a lot with the recruitment process though it will still have some control of the employees as the employees have to report to the company (Karen, 2015).

 While taking into consideration the two models that could be used, the first model is the model that would be most ideal for the company since, apart from the fact that it is cost-effective, the model has other benefits since, as already pointed out, the model would have other long term benefits to the company.

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Legal Issues

Some legal issues could be faced when seeking to comply with the equal employment opportunity and diversity direction. One of the issues that I could face could be the issue of discrimination, as some people might believe that they were discriminated against when they are not hired even though that would not be the case (Heneman, Judge, and Kammeyer-Mueller, 2015). As a result, the company could even face some legal battles due to disgruntled employees.

In order to avoid facing such legal challenges, it will be crucial that the company ensures that the recruitment will be as open as possible. Thus, to achieve transparency, the candidates that will be shortlisted will be posted on the company’s notice board, while their qualifications will also be posted. Once the interviews have been conducted, the candidates who will be invited for the second and third interviews will also be posted on the company’s notice board. Once the final interviews are conducted, the hired candidates will be posted on the notice board with their qualifications and experience. In addition, the reasons as to why those who have been hired will be given.

As is evident from the approach that I intend to approach, the approach mainly focuses on ensuring that the section process will be as transparent as possible. There is a need to ensure that the process is transparent to ensure that no one can allege to have been discriminated against once the recruitment process has ended.

Job Requirements and Task Statements

To identify, analyze, and develop job requirements and task statements, the following three tasks have to be carried out –

  1. Have a clear understanding of the nature of work that all the employees who will be hired will be doing
  2. Have a discussion with the respective managers that the employees who will be hired will be working under to understand the type of person that the managers will be requiring
  3. Understand the type of roles and responsibilities as well as the expectations that the hired employees will have

Regarding the frequency that the stated job descriptions will be required, it can be noted that the job descriptions will be reviewed regularly and most likely weekly to ensure that within a month or two, the job description will be adequate and appropriate. Indeed, the fact that this is a new type of project that the employees will be involved with implies that it will be crucial that the job description is regularly reviewed as some of the roles and responsibilities will only be realized once the employee has been hired and is actually working for the organization.

Managing Employee Turnover

Three (3) Methods to Manage Turnover

One of the methods to manage turnover entails offering flexibility. Indeed, by offering employees more flexibility at the workplace, employees tend to feel valued as their needs seem to be recognized and respected, and by doing that, they are less likely to leave (Allen and Bryant, 2012).

The other method that can be used to manage employee turnover entails ensuring that the employees are involved in the decision-making process. The reason why such a method can be effective in helping manage turnover, as explained by Bechet (2008) is that the employees who are involved in the decision-making process feel more empowered and responsible, and it is for that reason that they are likely to stay with a certain employer for a long time.

The third method that can be used to manage the turnover entails having a trial or a probation period through which both the employee and the employer can be able to review and assess each other before either party can commit to a contract that would last for a long period.

Succession Planning

The described succession planning method would be benefited the company since it would ensure that the employee who will succeed in a certain position in the company is well versed with the company’s way of operations, implying that there will be no time spent or added costs incurred when an organization is aiming to fill a position that emerges when one of its employees is about to leave the organization.


In conclusion, it can be explained that in any given organization, it is important that the human resource department has experienced and competent employees who are capable of developing effective human resource strategies as the human resource strategies in place in any given organization play a vital role in the success or failure of the organization. However, for the human resource strategies adopted to be effective, it will be important that the human resource department involves other departments when developing the human resource strategies to be used in the organization.

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Allen, G. D., Bryant, C. P. (2012). Managing employee turnover: Dispelling myths and fostering evidence-based retention strategies. New York : Business Experts.

Bechet, P. T. (2008). Strategic staffing: A comprehensive system for effective workforce planning. New York : Amacom.

Heneman, H., Judge, T., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. (2015). Staffing organizations. Boston, MA:   McGraw-Hill.

Karen, M. K. (2015). Focus on Staffing : Four key staffing models leading up to ICD-10.

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