Discussion post on research findings


Read the article by Porter and Whitcomb (2005) and discuss its findings as per the instructions.


As has been discussed by Cresswell (2009), and Saunders et al. (2015), it is paramount that a researcher has a clear understanding of the target audience of the research findings since it is important that the target audience can be able to understand the research findings after the study has been carried out. On the other hand, Somekh and Lewin (2005) and O’Leary (2004) have explained that in order for the aims and objectives of given research to be effectively achieved, it is paramount that the research findings have to be related to the research topic.

In the article by Porter and Whitcomb (2005) it can be expounded that research findings in the empirical article are related to the research problem since the findings focus on the various variables pertaining to the research topic. Indeed, it can be explained that if such a relationship never existed, then it would be a challenge for the study to sufficiently achieve its objectives.

As far as dissemination of results is concerned, Wodarski and Hopson (2012) discussed that a researcher has to ensure that the approach used in dissemination is the most ideal approach. In view of the article by Porter and Whitcomb (2005), it can be explained that two possible audiences for the findings of the study comprise of researchers as well as university administrators. In that view, in the case of the scholars, the findings of the study can be disseminated through journal articles mainly due to the fact that the scholars are likely going to read the journal articles. On the other hand, in the case of the university administrators, the findings can be disseminated through conference sessions where the attendants comprise of university administrators.

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On the other hand, as far as the need for optimal dissemination purpose is concerned, it can be explained that Barnes et al. (2003) and McCormack et al. (2005) expounded that it is crucial for researchers to ensure that the information is disseminated through the most ideal strategy for each target audience since that helps ensure that each target audience gets to access the findings of the study and at the same time understand the findings of the that study.

Finally research findings can be explained to have the probability of been applied to effect social changes since the findings of the study can be used to validate claims on what might happen once the changes have been implemented.  For example, the findings of a study that focused on impacts that smoking on smokers can be used to help implement rules and regulations banning smoking in public places. On the other hand, the findings of a study that researched on the increased cases of lifestyle diseases among the community could also be used to aid implementation of various policies that would enhance the heath of members of the community.


Barnes, V., Clouder, D., Pritchard, J., Hughes, C., Purkis, J. (2003). Deconstructing dissemination: Dissemination as qualitative research.        Qualitative Research, 3(2), 147-164.

Creswell, W. J. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches:Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Saunders, K. N. M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2015). Research methods for business students (7Th Ed).Harlow : Pearson Education Limited.

Somekh, B., Lewin, C. (2005). Research methods in the social sciences. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

McCormack, J., Loewen, P., Jewesson, P. (2005). Dissemination of results needs to be tracked as well as the funding? British Medical Journal, 331, 456.

O’Leary, Z. (2004). The essential guide to doing research. London: Sage.

Wodarski, J. S. Hopson, L. M. (2012). Research methods for evidence-based practice. Los Angeles: SAGE.